questions to ask your crush about relationships

Well, I see someone is talking to their crush! Oooh! Look at your cheeks blushing pink. And what is that sound I hear? Aha! It is your heart beating rapidly.

I believe you want to talk to your crush about a relationship. The tip that I would like to give you is that you need to act calm and assured (not too overly confident). Don’t be afraid. Acting as if you don’t exhibit interest in a female is the very worst thing you can do when introducing yourself to her. 

As a girl I’m telling, we are also used to boys approaching us in a kind rather than arrogant manner. When speaking, always indicate that you’re interested in what you’re saying and do not act creepy and cheesy because we girls hate it when someone does it while approaching us.

In this article, you with finding the best questions that you can ask your crush about a relationship and know if he/she is your type or not. So without any ado let’s jump straight to the questions.

Questions to ask your crush about relationships

  1. Do you prefer an open or committed relationship?

Foremost question is to know what your crush thinks being in a relationship should be like. You will learn how people feel about a relationship if you ask this question. This is a crucial question to ask your crush in order to determine whether you and they are on the same page. If you’re looking for a serious relationship, this isn’t the right match because they’re only looking for friends with benefits.

Follow-up questions

  1. Why do you think this is better?
  2. What would you do if your partner prefers the other option?
  3. If you have a one night stand with someone, should your partner be mad at you?
  4. If you were in a relationship and your partner sleep with different people, how would you react?
  1. Is it okay to compare your relationship with other couples?

When people compare themselves to others, their best qualities are usually contrasted with their own. However, if you use it constructively, your relationship will become better. The point is that if your crush believes in comparison (negative way) then you might not be able to satisfy him or her ever if you get into a relationship with them. 

Follow-up questions

  1. Why should or shouldn’t one compare their relationship?
  2. Would you rather have a FANCY relationship or an ALIVE one?
  3. Have you ever compared your relationship earlier?
  1. Which of your beliefs was the most irrational about relationships?

This question encourages your crush to relate embarrassing stories to bring them closer to you. It’s also a good way to kill time. When he/she responds, try to have one of your humiliating things ready so he/she can laugh at your expense as well. Plus, you will come to know what is their current mindset.

Follow-up questions

  1. Why did you have such a belief?
  2. What made you believe it?
  3. How many times you have spoiled things because of it?
  4. If your future partner has the same belief, what would you do?
  1. Would you make sacrifices in your relationship?

You need to be sure if your crush is ready to make some sacrifices in a relationship or if he/she expects their partner to make every sacrifice. And if they say so, you must know it is wrong if only one person in a relationship makes all the efforts; it will be a toxic relationship then. You need to reconsider your feelings about your crush then.

Follow-up questions

Why do you think so?

Did you ever do something big?

Have you sacrificed your feelings too in a relationship?

What was the reason for the sacrifice?

  1. Is it okay to hit your partner due to the heat of the moment?

Indifferent to gender, you must ask this question before getting in any kind of relationship because only your parents have the right to beat you until a particular age if you do something extremely wrong. In my opinion, this is not ethical. We must respect every human; no matter how much heat is built, we cannot hit the other person. If your cush believes it is okay to do so then ask yourself if you are okay with it too.

Follow-up question

  1. Why do you feel so?
  2. Was it the same in your previous relationship?
  3. Would you break up if it happens?
  4. Do you believe in granting one chance if it happens?
  5. If you hit your partner, what would you do?
  1. How do you take the ‘blame’ in a relationship?

Perhaps you know that she/he is to blame for a blunder at work or for failing to show up on time for a date. Take note of their reaction. If they start blaming other people or the traffic, it’s a sign that they’re unable to accept responsibility for their faults.

Follow-up question

  1. If your partner blames you, would you accept your mistake?
  2. How would you react if your partner blames you?
  3. Can you overlook some mistakes of your partner?
  4. Why would you?
  1. Will you be happy with someone who has a crush on you or will you want to be with someone who you have a crush on?

This question will let you know if you have a chance with him/her or not. There’s something about watching other people’s romantic lives that makes you stop and think if you were in their place would it be better or vice-versa. When people observe other people having what appears to be absolute bliss to them from the outside, they are more likely to evaluate their compatibility and contentment with their partner. 

Follow-up questions

  1. Why do you think that is better?
  2. Do you have a crush on someone?
  3. Do you know who has a crush on you?
  4. Do you hope that someone will approach you soon?

Bonus questions

  1. Have you ever done something special for your partner?
  2. How well do you believe you know your partner?
  3. Do you have faith in each other?
  4. Have you ever let your partner do anything because you’re jealous or angry?
  5. What do you think it’s like when other people find your partner attractive?
  6. Do you become envious when your boyfriend hangs out with a male or female friend?
  7. What is your level of commitment to this relationship?
  8. Do you engage in heated debates frequently, and if so, why?
  9. Do you go to great lengths to protect your relationship?
  10. Have you ever apologised to your lover for something you’ve done wrong?
  11. Do you have an easy time forgiving your partner’s mistakes?
  12. Do you become irritated easily when your partners make minor mistakes?
  13. Do you hold each other’s beliefs in high regard?

The bottom line

Before taking any step, ask these questions to your crush and prevent any kind of toxicity from coming into your life. If you want to know what your crush thinks about you then check out my other blog. 

This list is also appropriate for couples at all phases of their relationships, from those who have just started dating to those who have been together for a long time. You don’t have to ask your partner/crush all the questions at once; instead, skim the list for the ones that catch your attention.

Sending you positive vibes. All the best!

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